Wednesday, May 16, 2012


trying to start a campfire.
all those little hooligans

doused the wood
light fluid
match to the wood

fire seemed to spurt and fizzle
get this fire started

"we'll figure this out"

"we learned how to make fire.
want me to show you?"


learning friendship

"do i scare you that much?"
"you don't scare me one bit."

"play with us."
"i don't know."
funny little shiver

he couldn't resist it
she seemed shocked

she had him
he wanted to be left alone
she smiled

Thursday, May 3, 2012

"now you are six years old"

now giving you your life
it's a fair question
why i waited so long

i couldn't share with anyone
wonder if i have the right
express such anguish and joy

i moved where you would come and color
you learned to walk
you have that gift of bouncing back

you weren't a great walker
comfortable with falling

you thought falling was normal
almost never cried

"i'd like to see you run"
you really ran
fell over backwards

"you've got to learn to stop"
"but i'm learning to run!"