Friday, September 21, 2012

slow to realizations...easy to pronounce a metaphor

i have noticed how tunnel vision comes out when i'm making lots of blackout poetry.

one external limit is the words given to me, for example, i have lately been going to an old pocket book of art history. hence so many undertones (or overtones) of religion and such.

an internal limitation is simply, myself. while i'm sure there's some study just waiting to be picked up by a overzealous psychologist, i am limited to words that appeal to me. at least in the initial process.
as i work through it, i get rid of particular phrases or words that direct the poetry into the final theme. occasionally i can only "make it work" by getting rid of a word or phrase that i really want to keep. the problem is that it doesn't flow with all the other words.

somehow, i'm sure this can be some sort of metaphoric life application.

in the meantime, it's nice to be back into regularly working on blackouts. expect many more as i go through this old book.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

hope for christianity, honesty

original structure can still be unbroken

here one feels the protection of Christ

those remaining
are the only
representations of Christianity

complaint of capitalist church

the end of the recurrent myth
of the "purity" of churches

no reminder should disturb reality
never existed

emphasis on pomp
for the Church to be poor, lowly

everything had to contribute
to church
appearing as a paradise

fundamental legalism

obeys the rules
reached by the faithful
after measured progress...

represent God's work of salvation progress

to find the right church

the question
encouraged basic differences

share the same overall plan

discussion as to how we find being

comlaints with a political church

communities support acceptance
previously regarded with suspicion

changing social conditions
indicates fundamental turning point
in basic form and spirit

bureaucratic machine of the Church

Friday, September 14, 2012


through all the battles
isolation ends.
death is swallowed up in victory.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

see what i did! images from the original project ('the journal/the journey")

excluding the last one marked in red, the following images are from my blackout poetry project that started this blog. for the moment, they are not in the correct order, also, i have many more than what you see here...closer to 30 were displayed as one story, closer to 50+ blackouts were made that never got used. but for now, here are images from the original blackout project (apologies for the poor photo quality, i will try to post clearer images in the future):

holding out alone. communication. never happens. at random.

radical solution to long developing problems. drastic change.

breaking point. identity. you are. under the surface.

friendships have. a result. people.

can i judge them? i don't know.

together we decided to show people the beginning.

genuine. heartbreak. personal.

this is a work in progress blackout poetry. i ran out of black marker, but there's no rule to what colors you can use, so it's all good! some people are terribly clever and include pictures in the pages they are blacking out. someday i will be brave and creative enough to try that.